Remember Me, Please

Chapter 1: Nijiko


Up there, once again.


At dawn with the twilight, looking down at the land below.

Among after the rushing clouds,

Once again, reminded of how beautiful it looks.


I wondered…


What would it be like to be there down from the sky?

Even so, I stretch my hand out to nothingness.

No one to heed my call, but I feel a slight euphoria.

To my curiousity I heed, I rush to a fountain.

A coin I throw in, waiting for a call to my thoughts.


The wish to visit the land below.





A voice I hear whispers into my ears.

Are you the voice of the fountain?

“Your wish shall be here, but not for long.” It tells me.

It must be the answer to my call.

As I sit down near the fountain to sink into my thoughts,

Someone sits down to accompany me.

“What are you pondering?”  They interrupt me.

From my figments, I try to piece together an answer.

“The land below” I tell them so.

Before I could tell anything more, I had vanished.


Down from there, now here


At dusk with the twilight, looking around in the land below.

Among after the rushing leaves by the wind,

After feeling how beautiful it all is,

I turn around and someone glances at me.

Someone who looks to be wondering of who I am.

I smile at them and whisper:


“Remember me, please…”


Before I inevitably vanish back to the clouds.

I too wonder…

What that person was wondering about me.